Online Course List

Achieving Health Equity for LGBTQIA+ People (2020)

Developed by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center 

  • Available as online module.
  • This module describes important LGTBQIA+ concepts and terminology, highlights the relationship between stigma and LGBTQIA+ health disparities and describes best practices in LGBTQIA+ health related to effective communication, data collection, and creating an inclusive environment. This module was created in August of 2020.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Calculating Interview Periods for STI/HIV Interviews

A foundational step in any STI interview is determining the interview period. This timeframe is crucial for identifying sexual partners who may require testing and treatment. The DI Professional will calculate this period before the interview begins. The interview period represents the maximum possible duration during which the person could have contracted or transmitted the infection.

 Module Objective:

To equip DI Professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately calculate interview periods for persons diagnosed with STIs/HIV.

In this e-learning module learners will:

  • Define interview period and its importance in working with people who are diagnosed with an STI/HIV.
  • Discuss factors affecting interview period length (e.g., STI type, symptoms, risk behaviors).
  • Calculate Interview Periods for Specific STIs  using  different patient profiles and STI/HIV diagnoses(Primary, Secondary, and Early Latent syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, PID, and HIV).

California Healthy Youth Act 2020-2021 Curricula Review

Developed by the California Healthy Kids Resource Center, Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group, and California Department of Education.

  • Available online (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar provides an overview of the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) and the 2020-2021 CHYA curricula review process, including how CHYA aligns with the California Health Education standards and framework. Participants will learn how to conduct their own review of a comprehensive sexual health education curriculum and how to identify available resources and professional learning opportunities. This webinar was recorded in January 2022.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

California Healthy Youth Act: Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV Prevention Education Requirements

Developed by the California Department of Education

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • Overview of the requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act, the law that mandates comprehensive sexuality education in California. This course was recorded in April of 2021. 
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Capacitación de Introducción a la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva

Desarrollado por Essential Access Health / Developed by Essential Access Health 

  • Disponible en linea (3 horas y 25 minutos). / Available online (3 hours and 25 minutes).
  • Este módulo es un curso integral sobre la sexualidad humana, la anatomía reproductiva humana, los ciclos menstruales, el control de la natalidad, la justicia reproductiva y las ETS. Este curso fue creado en Noviembre de 2020. / This module is a comprehensive course on human sexuality, human reproductive anatomy, menstrual cycles, birth control, reproductive justice, and STDs. This course was created in November of 2020.
  • Este módulo tiene una tarifa de $35 con descuento. / This module has a discounted fee of $35.
  • Si no comienza el curso de inmediato, puede regresar y encontrarlo en My Training My Learning Tracks si está participando en el programa de capacitaciòn SHE. / If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Child Trafficking Myths and Facts

Developed by Love146 

  •  Available online (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar clarifies common myths and misconceptions about child trafficking, gives insight on the most vulnerable populations, and discusses contributing risk factors. This webinar was recorded in October of 2020.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.


Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Awareness Training

Developed by the Public Child Welfare Training Academy

  • Available as online module (2 hours).
  • This module provides a broad overview of three types of Human Trafficking and information regarding the ongoing research on the topic. 
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Contraceptive Methods

Developed by the California Prevention Training Center

  • Available as online module (2 hours).
  • This module provides an overview of how pregnancy happens, how contraception interferes with this process to avoid pregnancy, and reviews the FDA approved contraceptive methods available. 
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

COVID-19 Disease Intervention-OIDPR

Welcome to the COVID-19 Disease Intervention course! In this course you will learn how to effectively communicate standardized recommendations and policies about COVID-19 epidemiology, treatment, isolation, testing, and social support. Additionally, you will come to recognize the unique components of a disease intervention interview for COVID-19 and how to apply motivational interviewing during interviews.

COVID-19 Outbreak Management-OIDPR

Welcome to the COVID-19 Outbreak Management course! This course is intended for staff of local health departments assigned to work as an outbreak manager or other role on the outbreak management team.

In this course, you will learn how to prevent, identify, describe, control, and monitor outbreaks in the congregate settings where they are most likely to occur and cause serious illness.

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication-OIDPR

Welcome to the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication and Public Health Messaging in K-12 Schools course! This course will explore how to develop Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) for K-12 schools using the 10-step process of ACTIVE MAPS, and how to create effective messages using a message map.

Cultural Humility for Pandemic Response-OIDPR

Welcome to the Cultural Humility for Pandemic Response course! This course is an introduction to Cultural Humility, a lifelong journey. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in different ways, some of which we may never fully understand due to our privilege and power. The goal of this training is to provide you with tools and prepare you to engage, communicate and interact with clients in a culturally humble manner in your work as a Pandemic Response Specialist across California. 

Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention

Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This module helps participants identify examples of teen dating violence as well as examples of risk factors, protective factors, warning signs, and challenges for seeking help when experiencing teen dating violence. This module was created in 2015.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Demographic Data Collection (SOGI)-EISDI

In this course you will review sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) terminology. You will also be offered examples on the correct ways to ask SOGI questions. You will also learn the
rationale behind collecting this data and you will be provided with tips so that you feel
more comfortable when asking these questions during an interview.

Examining Bias-EISDI

This course presents an intersectional framework for examining bias and stigma. We’ll cover how stigma impacts disease intervention work, examine how personal bias can adversely impact the
health care provided to racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse patient populations,
and practice strategies for interrupting stigma.

Foundations for COVID-19 Pandemic Response-OIDPR

Welcome to the Foundation for COVID-19 Pandemic Response course! Effective pandemic response requires a basic understanding of the epidemiology of COVID-19.  In this course, you will learn about the symptoms of COVID-19, how people acquire infections, and the essential public health measures for preventing transmission and serious illness in our communities.

Foundations of Public Health In California

This course will give you an opportunity to see how your work impacts the lives of Californians, including yours and your community.

Healthcare for LGBTQIA+ Youth

Developed by the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This module discusses the unique health and developmental challenges of LGBTQIA+ youth and describes ways to address these issues in clinical settings. This module was created in July of 2021.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Henry's Test

This is a test class

Introduction to Social Determinants of Health and Structural Interventions

An understanding of the social determinants of health is essential to the implementation of effective HIV treatment or prevention interventions.  This engaging and informative (approximately 1-2 hour) online course, based on our popular two-day instructor-led training, provides an introduction to social determinants and HIV.  It includes an overview of social determinants, their relevance to health disparities, and their particular importance in understanding HIV in the US today.  The course makes effective use of videos and scenarios to illustrate key concepts. 

By the end of the course learners will be able to describe social determinants and their impacts on HIV Risk, prevalence, and access to services, define a social determinants of health perspective, and identify places to intervene.

Registration fee:  Free

System requirements: The course will work with any browser. If you have issues with one browser please try another as system updates can temporarliy change the course behavior.

Introduction to Zoom Production

Self pace 15 minute training

It’s Not Just What You Say: Techniques & Approaches for a Healthy Sex Ed Class

Developed by Healthy Teen Network

  • Available as online module (40 minutes).

  • This module covers learning about how to create and maintain a comfortable environment teaching sexual health education, HIV/STI prevention, and/or family life education. This module was created in May 2024.

  • Free.

  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

LGBTQ Best Practices: Classroom Culture and Curriculum

Developed by Learning for Justice

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This webinar models how to create an inclusive classroom culture and build an intersectional curriculum that incorporates queer history and perspectives. This module was created in October of 2018.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Making Contact: A Training for COVID-19 Contact Tracers

This online training, which can be completed in about three hours, is designed to prepare individuals with little or no public health background to work as entry-level contact tracers. The course provides lessons on infectious disease control, especially for COVID-19, and follows the four steps of contact tracing—notify, interview, locate contacts, and monitor. These lessons can then be supplemented with local- and state-specific instructions to customize and tailor the content to the needs of individual jurisdictions.

This course is a prerequisite for Contact Tracing training offered by the State of California Department of Public Health as directed by Governor Gavin Newsom to build a workforce to contribute to the control of COVID-19 in California.

Making Room for Gender Diversity in School Health Services and Sex Education

Developed by GLSEN, Gender Spectrum, and School-Based Health Alliance

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar covers basic gender diversity terminology and language, social and cultural constructions of gender, LGBT student experiences, why this information is important, and how to incorporate this information into health education for youth. This webinar was recorded on February 2018.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Minimizing the Impact of Stigma and Bias

Learnt to provide respectful mpox disease interview services to gay, Bi, and other MSM. A foundational overview focusing on the lived experience of the gay, bi, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) who are most impacted by mpox, as well as examining personal and structural bias to reduce stigma during mpox interviews.

Minor Consent and Confidentiality for Sexual Health Services in California: A Training for Clinical Settings

Minor Consent and Confidentiality for Sexual Health Services in California: A Training for Clinical Settings by the National Quality Improvement Center and California Department of Public Health STD Control Branch, in partnership with the National Center for Youth Law.


  • Overview of the California laws that impact minors and their access to confidential sexual health services, and the role of clinical providers, practices, and healthcare systems in ensuring these protections. Participants will be given an opportunity to test their own knowledge related to California minor consent and confidentiality laws and to learn about resources to support implementation of these laws in a clinical setting. This course was developed in consultation with legal experts from the National Center for Youth Law.
  • Intended audience:  California clinical providers, staff, and administrators from healthcare settings and organizations serving patients that include youth under age 18 years
  • Creation/revision date:  November 2018
  • Cost:  FREE

Minor Consent and Confidentiality for Sexual Health Services in California: A Training for Educators

Developed by the STD Control Branch in partnership with the National Center for Youth Law.

  • Available as online module (1.5 hours).
  • Overview of the laws that impact minors and their access to confidential sexual health services in California and the different roles of clinical providers and educators. This course was developed with the support and expertise of the National Center for Youth Law.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Motivational Interviewing and Health Coaching

Learn communication skills to support sexual history taking & action planning. Define and apply core motivational interviewing skills for sexual history taking, contact elicitation, and action planning for mpox interviews.

Motivational Interviewing-EISDI

In this course you will discover how motivational interviewing and health coaching tools can support effective communication in your work in disease intervention. You will learn 4 specific
health coaching techniques that you can apply in your work. 

Motivational Interviewing - History and Spirit

Welcome to the Spirit and Principles of Motivational Interviewing. In this introductory module, we will provide an overview of the rationale and evidence for using motivational interviewing to facilitate change with our clients.  We hope that this overview will help and inspire you to communicate with your clients, patients and communities in a more effective way.

Moving from Bias to Engagement Using Cultural Humility

Developing cultural humility involves understanding the impact that unconscious bias and medical mistrust and distrust have on client engagement.

Being able to recognize and address this can improve your relationship with clients.

mpox 101

Review for clinical accuracy

Mpox 101

An overview of the basic science and epidemiology of mpox, such as definition, prevalence rates, treatment, transmission, prevention, and clinical information.

Mpox and Trans People

Considerations for mpox interviews with transgender clients. A foundational overview focusing on the lived experience of transgender and nonbinary clients as it relates to mpox, as well as examining personal and structural bias to reduce stigma during mpox interviews.

Preventing Pregnancy & Infection: The Basics of Keeping Safe

Developed by Healthy Teen Network

  • Available as online module (40 minutes).
  • This module covers learning about condoms and contraception when teaching sexual health education, HIV/STI prevention, and/or family life education. This module was created in May 2024.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Puberty & the Reproductive System

Developed by Healthy Teen Network

  • Available as online module (40 minutes).
  • This module covers learning pointers about teaching about puberty and reproduction. This module was created in May 2024.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE program.

Recognizing Red Flags and Helping Youth Find a Safe Adult

Developed by Love146 

  • Available online (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar provides information on how to identify common trafficking red flags and tactics traffickers use to groom and recruit children as well as practical steps adults and caregivers can take to address the issue. This webinar was recorded in November of 2020.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Responding with Confidence: Answering Sensitive Questions & Maintaining Boundaries

Developed by Healthy Teen Network

  • Available as online module (40 minutes).
  • This module covers how to answer sensitive or challenging questions from students when teaching sexual health education, HIV/STI prevention, and/or family life education. This module was created in May 2024.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Safe and Supportive Environments for LGBTQ Students

Developed by Cardea Services

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar reviews LGBTQ adolescent health risk factors in California. It provides an overview of laws and regulations that schools must follow to protect student rights. Participants learn why issues like bullying, harassment, safety, and bathroom regulations are important to both LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ students. This webinar was recorded on October 2017.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Sexuality in Educational Settings for Students with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Developed by Association of University Centers on Disabilities, featuring Katie Thune of Mad Hatter Wellness 

  • Available online (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar discusses educational strategies to support teaching youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities about their sexual health. Participants will learn helpful approaches to communicate about sexual health with this population including using repetition, teaching consent, and how to identify healthy and unhealthy behaviors. This webinar was recorded in October of 2020.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Social Determinants of Health and HIV

An understanding of social determinants is essential to the implementation of effective HIV treatment or prevention interventions.  This engaging and informative one-hour online course, based on our popular two-day instructor-led training, provides an introduction to social determinants and HIV.  It includes an overview of social determinants, their relevance to health disparities, and their particular importance in understanding HIV in the US today.  The course makes effective use of videos and scenarios to illustrate key concepts. 

By the end of the course, learners will be able to describe social determinants and their impacts on HIV risk, prevalence, and access to services, define a social determinants of health perspective, and identify places to intervene.

Registration fee: Free
CCAPP credit: Free
Certificate of Completion: Free

System requirements: Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Educational Credits & Certificate of Completion:

To obtain your Educational Credit and Certificate of Completion, following the online course, close your browser window and log into our registration system -

1 - Select "My Training" from the left hand navigation bar. 

2 - Select the "Certificate" button and follow the instructions on the screen.

STD Case Series

The NNPTC STD Case Series is intended for practicing clinicians who provide care to persons at risk for STDs. The series includes case presentations of common STD-related syndromes with a guided, interactive process to evaluate each case, arrive at a diagnosis and provide recommended treatment. Free continuing education credit is available.

STD Expert Hour - Supporting Our Youth, Embracing Opportunities in Adolescent Sexual Health

Developed by the California Prevention Training Center   

  • Available as online module (1 hour).
  • This webinar highlights adolescent vulnerabilities and risk factors that impact STD rates as a result of the challenges of STD prevention and management of STDs among youth. This webinar was recorded in July of 2015.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

STD/HIV Review: Workshop for Educators Who Work With Youth

Developed by the California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch

  • Available online and in-person (3.5 hours).
  • This is a comprehensive review of sexually transmitted Diseases (STDs) including HIV for non-clinical audiences, prioritizing those working with youth. This module provides an overview of common STDs, the relationship between HIV and STDs, and the role of testing and screening to reduce the spread of STDs. This webinar was last revised in March of 2019.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

STI Data: U.S. and California Activity

Developed by the California Department of Public Health, STD Control Branch


  • Available online and in-person (1 hour).

  • This activity requires a review of the most recent California and national STI surveillance data and youth sexual behavioral data. It also requires users to watch a short video on the social determinants of health. This activity was last revised in November of 2023.

  • Free.

  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Strategies + Tools for Family Communication about Healthy Sexuality

Developed by Essential Access Health.

  • Available online (1 hour and 15 minutes).
  • This online course shares strategies and tips for encouraging family communication about sexual and reproductive health. It includes ice breakers for age and topic-specific conversations and tips for answering sex-related questions. The course includes a robust overview and access to resources (websites, apps, videos, visual aids, books) for parents and youth that promote healthy sexual development and decision-making. (Updated November 2021.)
  • This module has a $20 fee, but there is a reduced fee ($15) for California teachers using the discount code CDPH-FAMC-DC.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Strengths-Based Approach- EISDI

In this course we will define and provide tools for using a strength-based, inclusive approach during disease intervention interviews.

Supporting Self-Disclosure of a Health Condition

This course is designed to assist DIS, Patient Navigators and other HIV/STD prevention & care staff to support clients who want to self-disclose a health condition to:

  • Sex partners
  • Injecting substance using partners
  • Other important people in their lives who may provide support

We describe the benefits and challenges of self-disclosure and introduce a four-step model that can be used to assist when engaging in discussions around self-disclosure.

This course is the pre-requisite to a live skills-based session. For more information about attending a skills-based course visit


Talk About What? Sex-Positive Disease Intervention Conversations

Learn what it means to be sex-positive in mpox disease interviews. In this course you will define, identify, and apply the uses of sex positive language for sexual history taking and contact elicitation for mpox interviews.

Talking about Getting Along: The Basics of Teaching Students about Healthy and Inclusive Relationships

Developed by Healthy Teen Network

  • Available as online module (40 minutes).
  • This module covers how to teach about healthy and inclusive relationships when teaching sexual health education, HIV/STI prevention, and/or family life education. This module was created in May of 2024.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Test 7-17-11

Test from henry

The ABCs of Sexuality Education and Autism

Developed by Sex Ed Mart

  • Available online (1 hour).
  • This recorded webinar discusses sexuality education and autism, and how to adapt materials in the classroom. This webinar was created in September of 2020.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

The Respect Online Course

Developed by the American Psychological Association

  •  Available as online module (2 hours).
  • This online course developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) describes the complexity and diversity of sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions and provides an overview of how stigma and prejudice against LGBTQ youth can impact health outcomes. This course was created in February of 2018.
  • Free.
  • If you do not start the course immediately you may come back and find it in My Training or My Learning Tracks if you are participating in the SHE Training Program.

Universal Interview Components-EISDI

In this course you will learn key terms, purpose, and outcomes associated with disease intervention interviews and gain familiarity with universal interview components and interviewing best practices.

Vaccine Communication-OIDPR

Welcome to the Vaccine Communication course! This course introduces concepts about COVID-19 vaccines and best-practice communication techniques. There are many reasons why people do or do not get vaccinated. Some are related to personal attitudes and beliefs while others are related to structural barriers in our society. We will explore best practices for responding to concerns and  ways to support decision making and taking action.

California Prevention Training Center
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